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学术讲座:American Culture in Utterance Understanding
发布时间:2015-04-08 作者: 浏览次数:259

讲座时间:2015年4月17日 16:00-17:40



讲座题目:American Culture in Utterance Understanding

讲座摘要:This lecture in on how American culture affects utterance understanding. In cultural pragmatics, utterance understanding takes place not only in the immediate context, or social context, but also in cultural context. In other words, it is the very context that would determine how an utterance (the most basic unit of language use) can be explained or understood. When an utterance cannot be understand but being associated with a particular immediate context or situation---(the time, place, participants of a particular speech event, an interactional conversation), we need to suppose that there must be some social factors (context of social interaction, or social structure) that would help make an utterance appropriate, and thus understood as such. However, if the social context can not help, then we have to move on, and go on imagining that there possibly might be some cultural reason or reasons in or behind an utterance, therefore we have to do some cultural guess work (inference). In this lecture, we will first offer a definition of culture, and then go on to discuss what makes the American cultural context, and give examples to illustrate our points. We will more from single utterance to multiple utterances , and speech acts and conversation. Finally, we will emphasize the importance of cultural awareness to foreign language learning and teaching, and the development of cultural pragmatic competence.

主讲人中文简介:何刚,华东师范大学太阳成集团tyc714cc教授,博导,美国富布莱特高级访问学者,国际语用学会会员,中国语用学研究会副会长,Intercultural Pragmatics杂志编辑委员会/国际跨文化语用学研讨会学术委员会委员,上海市语文学会理事,华东政法大学等校兼职教授,《外语教学理论与实践》编委,中国外语博士论坛理事会成员。主持国家社会科学基金项目两项,研究方向为:理论语言学、语用学、语言哲学、文化人类学。研究成果主要集中在语用方式研究、语用学理论、言语行为理论、文化语用学研究、心理语用学研究、提问的语用学解释等领域。

主讲人英文简介:Prof. He Gang, currently works as a faculty member of the English Department, East China Normal University, teaching students from undergraduates to doctoral candidates, instructing graduation thesis, dissertation, is the vice chairman of the FLS academic commission. He has published papers and books on a variety of linguistic topics ,philosophy of language, pragmatics in the key journals of Chinese foreign language as well as linguistic studies, presented papers at international conferences as well as national ones. He used to be a visiting scholar sponsored by Prof. John R. Searle (2001-2002) Philosophy Department, University of California at Berkeley, and a senior research scholar at SUNY Albany (2009-2010). He is currently engaged in a National Social Science Funding Project on Cultural Deictic Modes of American English. He also serves as an academic committee member of Intercultural Pragmatics, East Asian Pragmatics and Foreign Language Teaching—Theory and Practice. In a word, he is a hard-working scholar.

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